Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tremendous Disappointment for Harper

The immense room reserved for Harper's big end of campaign booster rally in Quebec City was almost empty today (organizers scrambled to get the fewer than 500 partisans who showed up in the aspirational "heart" region of the Conservative Quebec strategy). Read about it here in LaPresse.

"Mauvais messages, stratégie contre-productive.

Mais il y a plus. Le chef lui-même n’est vraiment pas inspirant.

Ses discours sont ennuyants, son sourire est forcé et le contact avec les gens restent pénible.

Plus de quatre ans après avoir pris la tête du nouveau Parti conservateur, M. Harper n’a pas réussit à se rapprocher des électeurs. Au contraire, il traine même la réputation d’être indifférent aux préoccupations de ses concitoyens."

(translation mine; read the original)

"Bad messaging and a counter productive strategy.

But there is more. The leader himself is not inspiring.

His speeches are boring, his smile is forced and the interaction with people is painful. More than four years after taking the leadership of this new Conservative party, Mr. Harper has still not succeeded in reaching the voters. To the contrary, he drags behind him a reputation for not caring about the concerns of the people."

See also this insightful analysis of the Harper disaster in Quebec. Harper was supposed to have this election in the bag, but Quebeckers see clearly his hard right wing agenda. More wars, more prisons, no action on the environment and a poor record of economic management. Plus he's a jerk.

We need to replace Stephen Harper with a progressive government.

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