Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"The military used the NDS as subcontractors for abuse and torture"

The Globe and Mail reports disturbing allegations that innocent Afghans were knowlingly handed over for interogation by torture. This is a war crime under the Geneva Convention.

Select quotes from the article:
“I saw Canada’s military intelligence sending detainees to NDS, when the detainees did not tell them what they expect to hear. If the interrogators thought a detainee was lying, the military sent him to NDS for more questions, Afghan style. Translation: abuse and torture .... the military used the NDS as subcontractors for abuse and torture."

[...]He said he interviewed the detainees and determined none were Taliban. However, all were handed over to the NDS.

“None did anything wrong except to be at home when the Canadian Forces murdered their neighbour,” Mr. Malgarai recounted. “Yet Canada transferred all these innocent men to the NDS.”

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

This is great!